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প্রাক-প্রাথমিক সহকারী শিক্ষক নিয়োগ পরীক্ষা-2013-(মেঘনা-02) (13-04-2013) || 2013

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The pill was bitter when it was tasted.

The pill was bitter when it tasted.

The pill is bitter when it tastes.

The pill is bitter when it is tasted.

He wished me that I might had wealth.

He wished me that I might have wealth.

He wished me that I should have wealth

He said to me that I might have wealth

আবুল হাসান
আ.ন.ম. বজলুর রশীদ
আহমদ রফিক
ফজল শাহাবুদ্দীন